Alpha Jetman Blows the Doors of Possibility Wide Open February 13, 2017 by Dr. Lynda have talked on that technology Now if we had a balance of positive news stories each day like this one, there’s no telling what students and ordinary people might be inspired to do! Today’s EWC Thought-Leader pushes the edges of possibility way back for all of us! Meet Yves Rossy, JetMan . Rossy has earned that moniker for his astonishing work with a winged jetpack that enables him to take to the sky with the freedom of a bird. Upon discovering this man’s work, we were scratching our heads once again: why isn’t the negative 24-hour news cycle celebrating innovators like this? There is barely anything on the web about this leap forward! that’s the point of our work here. As you know if you are a regular to this website, Ever Widening Circles is on a mission to propagate the notion that this is still an amazing world. Every da...